A root canal is a dental procedure to treat dental abnormalities and prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. The most asked question about the root canal is how long it is filling last, primarily since most people associate root canal procedures with pain.
Root Canal Lasting Period
The lasting period of the root canal fillings is five years on the minimum and ten to twenty years for other therapies. Most root canal treatments have a ten years survival period.
However, the longevity of the filling is solely dependent on the individual responsibility to build good dental hygiene habits and eat healthy foods that will not damage and destroy the canal fillings.
Factors that affect the Lifespan of Root Canal Filling
The Timing of Treatment
Getting early treatment immediately when you identify the tooth condition gives better results and allows the fillings to last longer. When root canal infections spread to the jaws and bone, it becomes challenging for the fillers to work efficiently and thus may not last long.
The Timing and Quality of Restoration
After a root canal treatment, you will need a dental filling to restore the infected tooth. The earlier you get the restoration, the more effective it will have on the canal filling. Waiting for an extended period of root canal filling and restoration may cause infections and risk complications, reducing the canal fillings' life span.
Location of the Tooth
Root canal filling for back teeth is challenging since it has more than one root; thus, the fillings may last for a short period. Root canal filling on the front tooth lasts longer than fillings for the back teeth since the back teeth exert more force while eating and chewing and may disrupt or damage the fillings. If you need a root canal filling treatment, schedule a consultation appointment at our clinics.
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