What Happens If You Leave a Chipped Tooth Untreated?
Posted on 8/7/2023 by Evan
Despite being the toughest layer of the teeth, too much force or trauma to the enamel can cause it to break. That being said, a tooth can chip or break from falls or accidents, biting down on a hard surface, and grinding your teeth. It can also break when playing contact sports, without protective gear.
If you have pain when chewing, pressure sensitivity, and swollen gums, then it may be a sign that your tooth has chipped. A chipped tooth may or may not cause pain. Regardless of whether you experience pain, it is important to visit your dentist.
Risks Of Untreated Chipped Tooth
Since a chipped tooth may not cause pain, it may tempt you to leave it untreated. However, it is not advisable to leave your chipped tooth untreated. It can lead to further complications. These include;
Tooth Decay
Leaving your chipped tooth untreated puts, you at risk of tooth decay and other infections. The damage to the tooth creates tiny pockets that allow the inhabitation of bacteria in these pockets. Plaque could also form in these pockets, which may lead to tooth decay.
When you have a chipped tooth, you become more sensitive to cold and hot foods. Especially when the damage on the tooth goes beyond the enamel.
Difficulty In Chewing
A chipped tooth will create difficulty when chewing foods. This means that you cannot eat certain foods. This will affect your diet and general health. Food will also get stuck in the chipped area. This will make chewing uncomfortable.
Cuts In the Mouth
If the tooth chips in such a way that it leaves sharp edges, then it can cause cuts in the mouth. The cuts may occur when you chew or talk. If you do not treat these cuts, it can lead to infections.
A chipped tooth may seem like a minor issue that does not require immediate attention. However, it is not advisable to ignore chipped teeth, as it can lead to further complications. Therefore, it is best to visit your dentist to discuss treatment options.
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