Why Do Teeth Commonly Hurt After an Automobile Accident?
Posted on 8/10/2020 by Dr. Call
Being in an automobile accident can shake you up quite a bit, even if it's a minor one. The main problem with automobile accidents is that people don't realize the impact of the accident until a few days later. If you have been in an automobile accident and your teeth are hurting, there could be various reasons for it.
Reasons Your Teeth Hurt After An Automobile Accident
Sometimes the reasons can be quite obvious, such as a broken or chipped tooth or missing teeth. When this happens, the pain is instant and you will not get relief until you visit our experts. You could chip or break a tooth due to a heavy impact with the steering wheel and sometimes even due to the impact of the airbag. While this may sound absurd, people often chip their teeth because of the airbag impact.
In case you do not have an immediate toothache, but one has started to show up a few days after the accident, this could be because of an underlying fracture, a crack in your tooth that went unnoticed, or a loose tooth that is on the verge of falling out.
Irrespective of why your teeth hurt, getting it examined by our experts is vital so that we can begin timely treatment. Sometimes people tend to hit the side of their face against the window during an accident. This could shake their molars quite a bit and while it won't result in breakage, one could suffer a tooth fracture or a loose tooth due to the impact.
Sometimes the symptoms of these tooth problems are instant and sometimes it may take you a while to realize where the pain is originating from. When people hit the side of their face, they often assume that something is wrong with their jaw and it takes them a while to realize that their jaw pain is only because of an underlying tooth problem.
If you have recently been in an automobile accident and you want to figure out the reason for your jaw pain, give us a call so that our experts can take a look.
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