Do you know that enamel is the hardest part of our body? The teeth' shiny, white outer covering protects the inner parts from the effects of bacteria-causing cavities. While routine dental care is crucial in maintaining its hardness, most of our poor lifestyle goes a long way in wearing it down. Tooth erosion entails wearing the enamel down and exposing the pulp and the dentin to the agents of dental complications. Our dentists have gathered some common tooth erosion symptoms for your reference.
Tooth Discoloration
Ideally, the enamel is white while the soft inner part, the dentin, is yellowish. Once your enamel is washed away, the dentin is exposed, leaving a yellowish color all over your teeth, resulting in discoloration. However, discoloration due to the washed enamel is different from the one resulting from poor dental care and the intake of hazardous substances such as tobacco and alcohol.
Tooth Sensitivity
The hard outer covering of our teeth protects our inner soft tissues from the impacts of hot and cold substances. Unfortunately, with enamel's erosion, the dentin is exposed, and the nerve endings in the tooth result in sharp sensitivity while taking hot or cold foods and beverages. Furthermore, the exposure of the soft tissues means your teeth are more susceptible to other dental complications such as tooth decay.
Cracked Tooth
When the initial stages of tooth erosion are left untreated, the enamel is severely washed away, leading to teeth cracking and chippings. You now start having a rough feeling of your teeth' edges by passing your tongue over them. Consequently, bacteria and acids penetrate the cracks, leading to more severe cavities.
If you have similar symptoms, please visit our practices for immediate treatments. Contact our offices to book an appointment today.
Dentist Hillsboro, OR | Dental Blog - Century Dental Hillsboro, OR Jefferson Call, DMD and Dix Densley, DDS believe that the better informed their patients are, the better their decisions about dental care can be. With this blog, they hope to inform and empower our readers in their oral health. - See more Century Dental, 2831 SE Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123 \ (971) 708-1608 \ \ 2/12/2025 \ Associated Words: Dentist Hillsboro OR