Gum Disease Treatment Hillsboro, OR
A change in the appearance of your gums should raise concerns. If you are experiencing gum sensitivity while brushing or flossing and notice bleeding, it is essential to schedule a visit to Century Dental as soon as possible. These symptoms could be indicative of gum disease.
Understanding Gum Disease
Gum disease is a complex and serious condition that jeopardizes both dental health and aesthetics. What makes periodontal disease particularly worrisome is its potential irreversibility. Neglecting it may lead to tooth loss, increased risk of bone and gum recession, and even potential harm to your overall health due to its bacterial nature. Seeking assistance from our professional team at Century Dental at the earliest sign of periodontal disease is crucial, as early intervention makes treatment more manageable.
Treating Gum Disease
Our office is equipped to address periodontal disease at various stages of severity. The treatment process involves several phases. Initially, we assess your gum condition through imaging tests and a thorough examination of the tartar buildup on your gums. Once diagnosed, we formulate a suitable treatment plan.
Furthermore, we perform a bacterial culture on your plaque to prescribe the appropriate spectrum antibiotic. This step is pivotal in your treatment as it helps eliminate bacteria from your gums, alleviating periodontal disease symptoms.
Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling is the process in which we gently remove hardened tartar from your gums using a specialized instrument called a curette. This procedure is painless and can be conducted with local anesthesia for your comfort.
Neglecting this procedure allows the disease to create gaps between your gums and teeth, known as periodontal pockets, signaling the risk of tooth loss.
Regular check-ups are essential for tracking progress and monitoring gum condition and tartar reappearance. This approach helps us measure your improvement compared to the initial disease state and adjust treatment accordingly.
Following the treatment of your gum disease, we establish an easy-to-follow plan. We will schedule a follow-up appointment after four to six months to assess treatment progress, tooth support, and bacterial plaque.
Recognizing Gum Disease Symptoms
Early signs of gum disease are relatively mild but should not be ignored. Many patients experience gingivitis before developing full-blown gum disease known as periodontitis, which is characterized by gum inflammation. Gingivitis, if detected early, is easily treatable.
Gum disease-related inflammation increases gum sensitivity, may cause discoloration, and even puffiness if swelling is severe. Frequent gum bleeding is also a concerning symptom. Over time, mild gum disease symptoms progress, leading to serious long-term health effects. Inflammation and growing pockets result in the gradual separation of teeth and gums, weakening gum-to-tooth attachment and impacting tooth root health.
Ultimately, untreated gum disease results in tooth loss and gum recession, making future restorations like dental implants more challenging. Regular dental exams and teeth cleanings, along with early gum disease treatment are essential for preventing these complications.
Early Treatment is Crucial
Considering the potential impact of gum disease on overall health, including respiratory and circulatory systems, early treatment is imperative. Schedule an evaluation with us today at Century Dental for an examination and various treatment options. Call us now at (971) 708-1608 to arrange your visit. Your health and dental well-being are our top priorities.